Monday, July 13, 2009

greetings from the nerd

Hello all ^___^, i'm illia from Nerds Gone Nuts (led by Suhaili) and i was just very tempted to create a post for fun because i've had a lot of fun reading everyone else's.

Well, to keep it simple, Nerds Gone Nuts is my first dance performance completely outside of my safety zone. That means another style, another group of people and another venue (taipan seems to be my second home lately...)
It's been such a challenge doing this piece and i really hope everyone will appreciate it as an artform because its one of those 'more than meets the eye' kind of shows that looks at an issue that we seem to look past without thinking.

As for a synopsis. Hmmm...

i am no 1

The people i work with are really great dancers i feel so worthless next to them @__@
Hi5 Emoticon

i can't wait to get to rehearsals tomorrow ^___^
if only i could drive...

The bus system in malaysia really needs some attention. Its driving me nuts [wahaha! Notice the connection with that word with the title of the piece? ... Yeah...]


To finish off.
Some bruises that i earned through hard work, determination and lack of technical knowledge of the body.



and there one massive one on my elbow too. It looks like an infection more than a bruise O_o

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