Date: 26 September (Monday)
Venue: Pentas 2, klpac
No | Time in | Time out | Musical |
1 | 9.00am | 10.00am | Remember Me |
2 | 10.00am | 11.00am | A Taste of Love |
3 | 11.00am | 12.00pm | Late: As Usual-Lah |
4 | 12.00pm | 1.00pm | My Prince Will Come |
5 | 2.00pm | 3.00pm | (I Guess) I Do |
6 | 3.00pm | 4.00pm | Meanwhile … |
7 | 4.00pm | 5.00pm | The Moment After |
8 | 5.00pm | 6.00pm | Oriental Takeout |
9 | 7.00pm | 8.00pm | Tweet About It |
10 | 8.00pm | 9.00pm | Float N’sync: The Rise N’Fall of the Bad Streak Boys |
Attendance of Directors, Musical Directors, Musicians and Casts are compulsory.
Call time: 15 minutes before your time slot.
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